Relationship between Mobile Phone Functions and Interpersonal Relationship Difficulties

Document Type : Research Paper


: Over the past decade various categories of communication technology, interpersonal communication channels are highly diverse young people, a phenomenon that has changed in the late twentieth century, human life is mobile. The mobile phone has a variety of personal and social influences. The purpose of study was to investigate the relationship between mobile phone functions and interpersonal relationship difficulties. For this purpose, 470 male and female high school students in the Northern Province were selected by multistage random sampling and completed Questionnaire functions of a mobile phone and interpersonal difficulties (Inglés, Hidalgo, & Méndez, 2005). Data were analyzed by using t-test, Friedman, and stepwise regression. The results indicate that the mobile phone functions among secondary school students in the Northern Province are located on the upper level. Positive ethic functions with the highest average dependence and addiction, negative ethic functions are equally ranked second. The results indicate that in terms of race, gender, dependence and addiction to mobile phone, social constraints, and negative moral function and negative education function of girl's whit above average mean statistically significant. The results showed that there are significant differences between each of the functions and positive moral function is the most important function. The results indicate that there are relationship between mobile phone functions and components of interpersonal relationship difficulties. The various functions of the mobile phone are able to predict the dimensions of interpersonal difficulties.
